2542ad2298 Place the cursor where you want the book to start, e.g. Auto Numbering. Open your Word file. Preview Book button –> This preview gives you the opportunity to review how your book looks on the Kindle (if you actually own a Kindle, we recommend that you actually transfer the file from your computer onto your Kindle via a USB cable connection in order to view it on the device. Approximate image size 900px x 1100px worked for us. But I used it extremely sparingly: I only inserted a page break after the end of each chapter which meant that in a 65,000 word or so book I had a total of sixteen. If you hover your pointer over a ToC entry, you will see the following tooltip display: Go To Option Kindle has the option to Go To the cover image, beginning and the Table of Contents of your ebook, from anywhere in the content.
KDP Select Earn more money andreach new readers KDP Community Connect with expertsand fellow authors CreateSpace Indie print publishingmade easy ACX Indie audiobook publishingmade easy . Pingback: Ways & Means: The Cost of Doing Business Amid The Imaginary Pingback: A word of caution. Amazon and Kindle are trademarks of Amazon.com Inc. If you want a clearly defined chapter break within your ebook file, you can use MSWord's "Lines and Pages Breaks" function. Photo & VideoShootingPost-ProcessingPhoto CritiqueAdobe PhotoshopHow-ToLightingInspirationPhotographyVideoAdobe LightroomMore Categories.Learning Guides. Click the Normal style in the Styles toolbar. Bprep4 says: September 14, 2014 at 07:23 Reply Reblogged this on Holiday Window Painting and commented: This helped me see where I needed to reformat or rather unformat my manuscript. Neither of them have lots of pictures, but Ive got quotes at the end of each chapter, cutsie header designs and LOTS of page breaks.
Wiltar replied
447 weeks ago